UMNICS defended their projects

23 may 2017

Protection of the results of the first year of scientific research was held in the Technopark “Idea”.

Young innovators who won a grant under the UMNIC” program of the Foundation for Assistance of Innovation, talked about their activities in the first year of the project.

Experts, among whom were the Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Bulat Khaziahmetov, CEO of Technopark  “Idea” Sergey Yushko, Director for Innovation of JSC “KNIAT” Petr Baskevich, highly appreciated a number of projects.

Recall, the main goal of the program “UMNIC” is to identify young scientists who strive for self-actualization through innovative activities, and to stimulate mass participation of young people in scientific, technical and innovative activity through organizational and financial support of innovative projects. The Foundation allocates the grant to the winner for 2 years. Each winner of the program receives 50% of the grant amount per year (including deductions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation). The decision to continue participation (transition) for the second year is made by the Expert Council at the Fund's Representative Office in each region based on the results of the work of the program winner in the first year, provided all the requirements of the program are fulfilled.

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