“Artpatent” will hold a free master class on brand protection in Kazan

3 july 2017

July 13. 2017 agency “Artpatent” will conduct a free master class in Kazan “You have a trademark. What’s next?”. There will tell you what is important to consider when registering a trademark, how to avoid its theft by former employees, how to deal with imitation of corporate identity and clone firms, how to determine the brand value when dividing a business, and much more.

Grigory Busarev, patent attorney of the Russian Federation, head of the agency “Artpatent”, and Larisa Zhelnova, general director of the company “D & L Evaluation”, a winner of the republican contest “Entrepreneur of the Year. The Golden Hundred” (2014 and 2016) will act as experts.

The seminar is addressed to trademark owners, company managers, lawyers, marketers, franchise buyers, as well as anyone who is not indifferent to protecting their own brand. Participants will be able to ask questions to the speakers and get personal consultations.

The master class will begin at 9:30 in the Kazan hotel “Mirage”. Preliminary registration by phone (843) 2-728-728 or on the website is necessary for participation. All registered will receive a link to the online broadcast of the event, which will be held on the website of “BUSINESS Online”.

Based on the materials of “BUSINESS Online”

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