Employees of Kazan universities studied the possibilities of the Nanotechnology center

31 january 2018

The possibilities of using the equipment of the Nanotechnology center of the Republic of Tatarstan were studied by the teachers of Kazan universities. Analytical equipment is one of the main assets of the Nanocenter. With its help, Tatarstan scientists and technologists get a chance to find the missing links for their innovative developments.

The laboratory equipment allows the use of various physical methods for studying micro- and nanostructures for the analysis of the chemical composition of solids, liquids and gases. The devices are intended for fundamental research of the properties of nanostructures and nanomaterials, for applied developments in the field of nanotechnology, for metrological support of the production of nano-products.

Professors of the Kazan National Research Technological University – Kazan Chemical and Technological Institute, A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry got acquainted with the capabilities of laboratories and noted that some of the equipment is already used by them in scientific activity in the university, but some devices are “piece goods that can be counted on the fingers of one hand in the country”. The Auger microprobe JAMP-9500F, which is used to study the interface, which determines the physical properties of a material, the analysis of the chemical composition of thin films, and the local analysis of nanostructures, has attracted special interest from scientists.

The latter becomes possible due to the unique locality of the device in terms of area and depth. In addition to the function of profiling chemical elements along the depth of the sample, the compensation mode of the ion gun makes possible the analysis of dielectric materials. Auger microprobe allows to explore metals, alloys, ceramics, composites, powders, films.

Also the opportunities of the Center for the Commercialization of Scientific Developments and plans for the development of infrastructure - the creation of new laboratories and industries were presented to the staff of the KNRTU and A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry. How to create a start-up and take the first important step to advance your scientific development to the market, how much investment the Nanotechnology Center can expect - these and other questions scientists were able to discuss with the employees of the project office.

Developers of new catalysts, materials for 3D printing, polymeric materials for medical use showed interested in cooperation.

The meeting was concluded with a round table under the leadership of Sergey Yushko, Acting rector of KNRTU, and Oleg Ibragimov, Acting General Director of Technopark “Idea”.

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