Yugra State University visited Technopark “Idea”

13 february 2018

These days representatives of the Yugra State University under the direction of the rector of the university Tatiana Karminskaya have a working visit to the capital of Tatarstan. Within the framework of the visit, guests study the innovative and educational infrastructure of Tatarstan, including the activities of Technopark “Idea”, laboratories of the Nanotechnology Center located on the territory of Technopark, and the Kazan National Research Technological University.

The technical director of the Nanotechnology Center Taliya Lygina told about the directions of the center's work, as well as the possibility of using the equipment.

Of particular interest from the scientists was the Auger microprobe JAMP-9500F: there are only three in Russia (two operate in defense enterprises, one is in the Technopark). This equipment is used to study the interfaces that determine the physical properties of the material, the analysis of the chemical composition of thin films, and the local analysis of nanostructures. The latter becomes possible due to the unique locality of the device in terms of area and depth. In addition to the function of profiling chemical elements along the depth of the sample, the compensation mode of the ion gun makes possible the analysis of dielectric materials. Auger microprobe allows to explore metals, alloys, ceramics, composites, powders, films.

The guests had a lot of questions on the certification of equipment. Taliya Lygina, in particular, spoke about the certification standards and the specifics of its implementation.

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