How to ensure the growth of profits and get tax privileges at the expense of intellectual property

20 may 2018

Heads and specialists of republican enterprises and organizations can attend a free seminar-intensive “Strategic finance: how to ensure the growth of profits and get tax benefits through intellectual property”. The training will be held on May 22, 2018 in the House of the Entrepreneur (28, Petersburgskaya Str., Kazan).

Issues of lending on the security of intellectual property, valuation of intangible assets and obtaining tax benefits through the built-up work with R & D on the balance sheet of the enterprise will be considered at the seminar.

The event is organized by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan in cooperation with JSC “Institute of Financial Business Development” (Moscow).

To participate in the event it is necessary to send an application (with the name of organization, full name and title) to the email address:, and also to inform the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan on the phone: +7 (843) 524-90-25 or e-mail:

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