An open day for participation in the contest “UMNIK” will be held in the Ministry of Economy

15 october 2018

On the 17th of October 2018 all those who accept or apply for participation in the competition under the program “UMNIK” can get a free consultation. A seminar for young scientists will be held from 9.00 am to 2.00 pm in the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan. Public representatives of the Foundation for Assistance to Innovation will answer questions from the audience. Within the framework of the event, the issues of preparation of the necessary documents, in particular, the correct registration of the application will be considered.

To participate in the seminar you must to register by phone: (843) 524-91-39.

The “UMNIK” program is aimed at supporting commercially oriented scientific and technical projects of young researchers. The organizer is the Foundation for Assistance to Development for Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere. Participants of the competition can become residents of Russia from 18 to 30 years old inclusive. Winners can receive a grant in the amount of 500 thousand rubles.

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