Tatarstan “UMNIKS” contest for half a million rubles

22 november 2018

3 days and 113 participants, each of whom can receive 500,000 rubles. This is exactly the way how Technopark “Idea” will be remembered by finalists of the federal program “Umnik”. Students and graduate students presented their projects to experts, among them were representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, doctors of science, and business consultants.

Selection of participants is carried out in 6 directions:

  • Information Technology
  • Medicine of the future
  • Modern materials and technologies for its creation
  • New devices and hardware systems
  • Biotechnology
  • Resource energy.

One of the finalists, Master’s Degree Student of the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology of the Kazan Federal University, Natalia Evtyugina, is working on a method that will make it possible to identify in a healthy person a predisposition to thrombosis. Natalia notes that the performance was exciting: “I have been in the project for two years. Together with the theoretical and practical component, we are working on a patent. The end result for the residents is an opportunity to come, donate blood and get a conclusion on whether the patient has a risk of thrombosis or not”.

It should be noted that according to the results of the final, the best projects will be recommended for financing by the experts of the Foundation for Assistance to Innovation. The decision to receive funding depends on the quality level of each work and the ability of the participant to present their project.

Note that the program of supporting talented young people “Umnik” is designed for young scientists aged 18 to 30 years, the best of which receive funding in the amount of 500 thousand rubles for two years. For innovators who have successfully defended their projects following the results of two years and are ready to create their own enterprise, the Foundation offers to take part in the program “Umnik on Start”.


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