The European Business & Innovation Centre Network celebrates 35 anniversaries

20 november 2019

Technopark “Idea” congratulates the team of like-minded people and the community of breakthrough ideas - the European Business & Innovation Centre Network (EBN) - happy birthday!

As the leading non-profit pan-European Association for Entrepreneurship Support, EBN brings together more than 130 quality-certified business and innovation centers (EU/BICs) and about 70 associate members.

The activity and effectiveness of the network team contributes to the development and growth of innovative entrepreneurs, startups, and scaling of SMEs.

EBN members cover more than 40 countries in Europe and beyond (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Lebanon, South Africa, Taiwan, etc.).

In 2009, Technopark “Idea” became the first Russian Technopark, a part of the network. The international platform has been proving its effectiveness from year to year, and the interest in the activities of EBN is high on the part of Russian innovation infrastructure facilities.

During this time, only 4 technoparks have become full members and we are sure that there will be even more!

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