“TatkhimPlast” employees passed a professional examination

27 november 2019

Today, the professional examination for compliance with professional qualifications among the employees of “TatkhimPlast” LLC was held at the Examination Centre of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education “Kazan National Research Technological University” of the Qualification Assessment Centre in the nanoindustry of the Technopark “Idea”. The exam was the culmination of training organized as part of a pilot project to expand the portfolio of services of the Centre for Qualification Assessment in the nanotechnology industry of the Technopark.

Workers confirmed compliance with professional standards by professional qualifications: “Technician of the extrusion line for the production of nanostructured polymeric materials (level 5 qualification) and “Specialist in the operation of equipment for the production of nanostructured polymeric materials (level 6 qualification).

The knowledge and experience of the employees were evaluated by the expert commission of the professional exam, which included technical experts from the Qualification Assessment Centre in the nanoindustry – candidate of chemical sciences, head of the international activity department of Kazan National Research Technological University – Kazan Chemical and Technological Institute Anna Ebel and chief technologist for the production of anti-turbulent additives LLC “OPU-30” of the oilfield service company “Mirikko” Roman Kamalov.

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