New Year’s Quiz joined residents of “Idea”

23 december 2020

The resident companies of the Technopark “Idea” finished 2020 on a positive note. It was for them that the Technopark organized the New Year’s Quiz-Idea. Participation in the event is absolutely free. Residents were only required to assemble a team of up to 4 people and have time to report their participation earlier than others, since due to restrictive measures, the event was held with a smaller number of participants.
The New Year’s Quiz united 8 resident teams. The fight was serious. According to the results of all rounds, the team of the Technology Transfer Centre became the winner! It is her name that will be inscribed on the passing Quiz-Idea Cup.
In addition, the owner of the most creative mask received his award.
Not without a series of the most humorous and extraordinary answers, which were also announced at the event.
One of the residents, the company “Oasis”, continued the good tradition and pleased a team that took the fifth place with branded gifts.
Note that this year, due to the epidemiological situation, only 3 quizzes were held. In 2021, it is planned to make them monthly.

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