Competitions “Non- Children’s Aviation”: small steps of Kazan children on the way to a big dream!

28 may 2022

Build different models, and also compete for distance, launch accuracy and more!

Young Kazan citizens can do everything, participants of the city competitions “Non- Children’s Aviation” from the Technopark “Idea”.

Today, fans of aircraft modeling have gathered in the “Idea”. The event brought together 56 participants from 10 teams (Gymnasium 179, the Centre for Aviation and Ship Modeling of the Technopark “Idea”, the City Centre for Children’s Technical Creativity named after Chkalov, etc.). Participants competed in 5 categories.

Opening the competitions, CEO of the Technopark “Idea” Oleg Ibragimov wished the participants good luck and noted the importance of the competition in the education of future engineers: “Aviation is considered a non-children’s industry. However, it is from small steps, such as modeling and assembling simple aircraft that the long journey to the profession, to the fulfillment of a dream begins.”

One of the participants of the competition, 8-year-old Artyom, is engaged in aircraft modeling in “Idea”. Despite his young age, he has already won several competitions. Thanks to this experience, he became a prize-winner in two nominations today: “Today we launched airplanes for distance and accuracy, as well as gliders for range. I want to participate in competitions and move forward.”

According to the results of the event, all prize-winners in individual classifications were awarded with quadrocopters, certificates and diplomas from the Technopark “Idea”. Winners in the team competition got diplomas and cups. The youngest participant - 7-year-old Damir Saifutdinov received a special prize from a partner of the competition - the Laser Centre of the Republic of Tatarstan.  Volunteers of the Republican Resource Centre of Silver Volunteering “Young at Soul” also provided assistance in organizing the event.

Competition results:

Team rating:

1st place: a team “Cranes”, the City Centre for Children’s Technical Creativity named after Chkalov

2nd place: a team “Young Pilots”, the Centre of Aviation and Ship Modeling of the Technopark “Idea”

3rd place: a team “Funny guys”, the City Centre for Children’s Technical Creativity named after Chkalov

Nomination “Distance”, throwing glider models:

1st place: Radmir Denislamov, the City Centre for Children’s Technical Creativity named after Chkalov

2nd place: Timur Gazizov, the City Centre for Children’s Technical Creativity named after Chkalov

3rd place: Ivan Sushentsov, the Centre of Aviation and Ship Modeling of the Technopark “Idea”

Nomination “Accuracy”, paper airplanes, junior group:

1st place: Matvey Yakimochev, Gymnasium 179

2nd place: Maxim Feshchenko, the Centre of Aviation and Ship Modeling of the Technopark “Idea”

3rd place: Artem Koblov, the Centre of Aviation and Ship Modeling of the Technopark “Idea”

Nomination “Accuracy”, paper airplanes, senior group:

1st place: Tagir Shakirov, Gymnasium 179

2nd place: Timur Gabaidullin, Gymnasium 179

3rd place: Emilia Gareeva, Gymnasium 179.

Nomination “Distance”, paper airplanes, junior group:

1st place: Khakim Sadykov, the City Centre for Children’s Technical Creativity named after Chkalov

2nd place: Artyom Kirillov, the City Centre for Children’s Technical Creativity named after Chkalov

3rd place: Artyom Koblov, the Centre of Aviation and Ship Modeling of the Technopark “Idea”

Nomination “Distance”, paper airplanes, senior group:

1st place: Tagir Shakirov, Gymnasium 179

2nd place: Faiz Zakhidov, the City Centre for Children’s Technical Creativity named after Chkalov

3rd place: Ivan Sushentsov, the Centre of Aviation and Ship Modeling of the Technopark “Idea”

The next aircraft modelling competition from the Technopark “Idea” is scheduled for September.

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