On the 14-17 of January Iran delegation will visit Republic of Tatarstan.

14 january 2009

On the 14th of January, 2009 delegation of Islamic Republic Iran, headed by Governor of Eastern Azerbaijan IRI Alizer Bigi began their visit in the Republic ofTatarstan. The delegation includes representatives of Iran business community. Delegation visit started from presentation of Tatarstan Republic industrial potential in Innovative Technopark “Idea”. The first deputy Prime-minister of Tatarstan Republic Pavlov Boris Petrovich met the delegation.

The main object of visit is discussion of wide range of questions of bilateral trade, economic and cultural agreement between Republic of Tatarstan and Islamic Republic Iran. Meetings with President of Tatarstan Republic M.Sh. Shaimiev and Prime-minister of Tatarstan Republic R.N. Minnikhanov, “round work table” with participation of RT entrepreneurships representatives, visit of republic institutes of higher education and sightseeing are planed in the stay program.

Source: tpidea.ru, mpt.tatar.ru
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