Master class of innovative and designing management.

4 may 2009

On Machinery of Chief federal inspector of the Republic of Tatarstan initiatives the Small academy of public management in RT has successfully worked within the bounds of realization of priority national “Education” project on the basis of Kazan state technological university since January, 2006. Purpose of SAPM in RT is training of leader from among students of Tatarstan higher educational institutes on special educational program.

Sergey Yushko held familiarization excursion of Techopark “Idea” for students according to organizational plans of SAPM in RT activities in 2009 year. During this excursion students communicated with residents of Technopark “Idea”. And also master-class of innovative and designing management was held by Sergey Yushko where participants got to know most successful 
project – “SPE “GKS” company.

Main purpose of Scientific and Production Enterprise “GKS” is execution of engineering works for enterprises of oil-gas industry with application of innovation ideas and technologies. "SPE “GKS" possesses own industrial base equipped with modern technological facilities. Number and qualifications of personnel allows producing and reconstructing equipment with guarantee of high technical and operational characteristics. The main line of production - is the development and reconstruction of liquid and gas hydrocarbons flow rate, quantity measuring and quality control systems (metering stations). Metering station is a complex of measurement instruments and devices ensuring accounting of mass (volumetric) flow rate and operating medium mass (volume) and determination of its quality characteristic, if it is necessary.

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