The Regional programme of innovative project development “Business partner”.

21 october 2009

On the 20th of October, 2009 meeting of the Board of directors of “Tatneftekhiminvest-holding” JSC was held during that general director of the Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko was presenting the Regional programme of innovative project development “Business partner”. The Technopark “Idea” has been a member of Russian Union of Innovative and Technological Centers from October, 2007 and accordingly Technopark is representative of the Foundation for assistance to small innovative enterprises in scientific and technical sphere (hereinafter referred to as FASIE) within the bounds of this programme.

The regional pilot programme “Business partner” is started up within the framework of crisis management events of the FASIE for innovative project development. The main task of it is a forming of new consumer niche oriented to goods and services market and also Universiade-2013.

The Technopark “Idea” and FASIE signed cooperation agreement within the bounds of the Regional programme of innovative project development “Business partner” realization. According to agreement the Technopark “Idea” is curator of this programme.

The programme is intended to assistance for small innovative companies in the holding of research and development activity on design and creation of innovative high-tech goods and services for large industrial enterprises of the Republicof Tatarstan. There is planned to make more active participation of industrial enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan as a potential clients of innovative products.

We would remind you that the Republic of Tatarstan is active participant of FASIE programmes and contests. The FASIE together with the Technopark “Idea” and State noncommercial organization “Investment and venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan” has held the programme of innovative projects “IDEA-1000” since 2006 year.

The activity of the Republic of Tatarstan makes it possible to plan a signing of cooperation agreement between Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan and FASIE within the next time.

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