Seminar “How do educational institutions to create business entity for the purpose of implementation of intellectual activity results”.

10 march 2010

March 10, 2010 seminar “How do educational institutions to create business entity for the purpose of implementation of intellectual activity results” oriented to chancellors of budgetary educational institutions, chief accountants, lawyers, patent workers was held in the Technopark “Idea”.

This seminar was organized by Innovative Technopark “Idea”, “Intellectual property management group” LLC. (Moscow) and Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE) in accordance with the plan of actions to realization of Agreement between Cabinet of Ministers of RT and FASIE on cooperation in development and implementation of joint programs aimed at creating conditions for support of small innovative entrepreneurship.

Precondition of the seminar holding was adoption of Federal law of the Russian Federation № 217 – FL “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on issues of creating business entities by budgetary scientific and educational institutions for the purpose of practical use (adoption) of intellectual activity results”.

In accordance with new law institutions of higher education can be founder (including jointly others) of business entities whose activity consists in the practical application of intellectual activity results, the exclusive rights belong to these scientific institutions.

Representatives of universities are actively involved in programs of supporting innovative business which are organized by the Technopark “Idea”, Investment and Venture Fund of RT and FASIE for a several years.

In the republic Program of innovative projects development “Idea-1000” is successfully realizing. 147 innovative projects were being financed by FASIE and Investment and Venture Fund of RT for the last four years (including 82 projects in nomination “Youth innovative project”, 49 in nomination “Start-I” and 16 innomination “Start-II”) on total sum 167.800.000 rubles.

In consideration of importance of commercialization science intensive developments with participation of universities and also interest of chancellors of universities in this regard the seminar was took up the following questions:

- exposure of intellectual activity results for the establishment of innovative enterprises and execution of rights on it;

- reflect the rights to the results of intellectual activity on the balance of institutions and newly created business entity;

- features of preparation of association articles when creating business entity by budgetary scientific and educational institutions;

- settlement of relations with authors of the results of intellectual activity rights to which are used in the acquisition of shares in the company's authorized capital created by budgetary scientific and educational institutions;

- mutual relationships of created business entity and budgetary educational institution throughout life circle and others.

The seminar was attended by chancellors, vice-chancellors, chief accountants and lawyers of the universities of theRepublic of Tatarstan.

Lecturers of the seminar were Elena Belova and Irina Morozova.

They have work experience with the Ministry of Education and Science of RF, consulting of workers of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, St. Petersburg State University, Moscow Engineering and Physical Institute, Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin and others universities, holding of corporative seminars on management of intellectual property for JSC “Russian Railroad”, JSC “Severstal”, JSC “Magnitogorsk metallurgical plant” and so on.

Elena Belova teaches in the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of RF, Russian Academy of Communication Lines, Higher Scholl of management and innovations of MSU named after M.V. Lomonosov, on economic department of MSU named after M.V. Lomonosov she reads author’s course “Procedures of intellectual property management”.

Elena Belova is specialist in financing and tax issues of intellectual activity management, assessment and accounting of intangible assets. She was awarded diploma for the personal contribution to development of national entrepreneurship of international organization “Global World”.

Irina Morozova is patent attorney of RF, she teaches in Higher School of management and innovations of MSU named after M.V. Lomonosov, RussianAcademy of Communication Lines, State Central Institute of improvement of skills of leading workers and specialists. She was awarded diploma for the personnel contribution to development of national entrepreneurship of international organization “Global World”.

Irina Morozova is a specialist in organizing and legal issues of intellectual property management, and also in contractual relationship in the field of creating and use of the results of intellectual property.


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