Exhibition performances and demonstrations of robots in Kazan schools.

19 march 2010

Centre of collective use LEGO construction and robotics (LEGO-center) with support of Innovative Technopark “Idea”, Ministry of youth affairs, sports and tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan and Laser Center of the Republic of Tatarstan holds in Kazan schools exhibition performances and demonstrations of robots made by children - the members of LEGO-center.

These events are directed to attract gifted young people and develop their design ideas, as far as forming the future of scientific and technical potential of the republic is in the range of priority areas of youth policy in the Russian Federation.

Students of 5-7 grades presented their engineering models in 18 and 36 Kazanschools. The exhibition performances attracted great interest of majority of pupils.

In the future it is planned to hold such demonstrations and shows with robots, collected by children – the members of LEGO-center, in order to attract new guys to the developing hobbies.

Source: tpidea.ru

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