Tehnopark “Idea” is participating in the International Youth Innovation Forum “Interra-2010”.

23 september 2010

The forum “Interra-2010” is holding in Novosibirsk from 22 to 25 September, 2010. The main theme of the forum this year sounds like a “Terms of innovative breakthrough of the regions”. The participants of the forum include young specialists and developers of innovative projects, the participants in the processes of innovation development of the regions: universities, research institutes, tehnoparks, design offices, experts in the field of innovation and regional development and investors.

The purpose of the forum is to assistance the “meeting” of bearers of new ideas with investors and customers of innovative products, to open prospects of the innovation development for young people and to support innovative activities.

There will be signing ceremony of constituent documents of the Association of Russian Innovative Regions. It will be recalled that a memorandum on the establishment of the Association of Russian Innovative Regions was signed by leaders of the eight regions of the country on May 21, 2010 within the framework of Innovation Forum in Tomsk. The Association includes Perm and Krasnoyarsk krai, republics of Tatarstan and Mordovia, Irkutsk, Kaluga, Novosibirsk and Tomsk oblasts, and also the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation and State Corporation “Rusnano”.

In this case, the objectives and main tasks of the participants of this association, as it was previously announced, will be the economic, scientific and technical, interuniversity and information cooperation of the parties on the basis of joint initiatives, programs and projects, and also sharing experience and promoting innovative projects.

After the memorandum was signed the working group had began to work on the establishment of interregional Association. The signing ceremony of constituent documents is called by organizer as “one of the most important events of the forum”.

September 22, 2010 general director of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko participated in the First meeting of the Expert group of the Association of Innovative Regions which was held in the form of a business game to identify the key tasks, activities and a list of realized projects of the Association. September 23, 2010 Sergey Yushko acted as an expert on a panel discussion devoted to participating technoparks, technical and innovation zones and science cities in projects of interregional Association of Innovative Regions. September 24, 2010 Technopark “Idea” will participate in a panel discussion on the terms of Technoparks, special economic zones and science cities participation in the project “Skolkovo” within the bounds of federal law “On the innovation center “Skolkovo”.

During three days of the forum “Interra” also will be held such important events as an expert symposium “Innovation as a factor of a modernization strategy”, Festival of science and innovation, the Siberian convention, the Siberian International Congress of Innovative Entrepreneurship, Leadership Forum, the conference “Marketing of territories”, the parliamentary hearings, the summit of universities, foreside laboratory “Siberia 2030: the Innovation Challenge”.

Source: tpidea.ru, photo by the Russian Newspaper

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