The success story of LLC “Scientific and Production Enterprise “GKS” – a resident of Technopark “Idea” on TV channel “Russia-24” (program “Technopark”).

12 september 2011

On September 10, 2011 TV channel “Russia-24” showed the story of one of the most successful residents of Technopark “Idea” – Scientific and Production Enterprise “GKS” (“SPE “GKS”) on the program “Technopark”. (

In March, 2011 the Company became a graduate of Technopark, having moved into its own building in the city center.

Scientific and Production Enterprise “GKS” was founded in March, 2006 by a graduate of Kazan State Technological University Ayrat Sabirov. The Company started its activity in the Business-Incubator of Technopark “Idea”, which played a key role in the Company establishment.     

Today the Company is a serious player in the oil and gas industry. “SPE “GKS” is positioned as an engineering company that provides a full range of design, production, supply and commissioning works, metrology support to setting various production control systems, determination and measurement of gas, oil and oil products quality using innovative ideas and technology.             

Currently, “SPE “GKS” takes a worthy place on the market in the development of gas condensate metering system. Proprietary innovations and partnership with the Russian representative office of Emerson Process Management, Siemens AG, Yokogawa Electric, Schneider Electric allow to promptly decide the equipment design and supply issues of these Companies, conduct a flexible price policy.       

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