“There are no unsolvable problems”.

28 february 2012

Today, the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan (CCI RT) Shamil Ageev has held a workshop for residents of Technopark “Idea” with a view to inform small business entities of advantages of the Russian Federation accession to the World Trade Organization. 

According to the Chairman of CCI RT, the Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization is a logical end to 18-years negotiation process which became a sort of reflection of socio-economic development of our country in its inseparable connection with the global processes. 

According to experts there are several advantages of Russia’s accession to the WTO:
 - deregulation of economy and improvement of business climate;
 - opening of markets – the possibility to expand exports and create new jobs;
 - entrance of Russia’s companies to the global markets, many of which are currently protected from it by duties, quotas and restrictions;
 - attraction of additional foreign investments;
- promotion of competition on the domestic market;
 - reduction of trade barriers will contribute to trade growth, etc.  

“The conditions of Russia’s accession are designed in such a way that any deregulation and considerate regulatory changes will occur gradually” – says Shamil Ageev.

The main matter of Technopark “Idea” residents’ concernment is the work of customs authorities. In this case, according to experts, accession to the WTO will subordinate the market access control policy to strict rules.

In conclusion, the Chairman of CCI RT called small business entities to turn to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for help in case of any problems in the state and local authorities. “There are no unsolvable problems”, - said Shamil Ageev.

Small businesses are often faced with the problem of interaction with the government agencies, solution of disputes with large enterprises, etc. As a result, businessman is left alone with his problem and chances of its quick and positive solution are not always great. Thus, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan being a center of industrial and business potential of the republic serves as a sort of trade union that defends the entrepreneur interests.               

Source: tpidea.ru

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