Company “IDES” – a resident of Technopark “Idea” has passed final assessment of expert collegium of “Skolkovo”.

1 march 2012

LLC “IDES” is a resident of Technopark “Idea” from the date of the Company creation. Currently the training simulator plant is located at the Technopolis “Himgrad” and team of developers is in the Business-Incubator of IT-Park and Technopark “Idea”.

The Company “IDES” has passed final assessment of expert collegium of the Innovation Centre “Skolkovo” and is currently preparing to become its resident.

This event was preceded by a three-month preparation of all necessary documents and a preliminary examination of the project of “Medicine” (medical equipment).

The project of medical training simulator designed to improve the skills, training and testing of surgeons was presented to the expert committee of “Skolkovo”. 

Due to analysis of virtual operations, there is an opportunity to collect and analyze statistical data on surgery mistakes, to define criteria of surgeon qualification as well as retain statistics of various training problems. 
In the near future the Company “IDES” will provide medical institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan with three medical training simulators which will make possible to get necessary basic skills, improve their quality and reduce the total time of the procedure in real clinical practice. 

Primarily, the status of the “Skolkovo” resident will offer “IDES” the prospect of entering to the international markets. A number of European countries have already shown their interest in such medical training simulators. 
Also, the “Skolkovo” residents get some tax benefits, the possibility to obtain additional financing of their projects (grants), concessional services (accounting, personnel accounting, legal services, intellectual property services and others) provided by experts of Technopark “Skolkovo”, information and PR-support. 

It should be reminded that the Company “IDES” was founded by a group of creative IT-developers in 2010. As of today, “IDES” is one of the leading Russian innovative companies, developing software and hardware in the virtual reality sector.

Cooperation between Technopark “Idea” and the Company “IDES” started with the development of their first dynamic driving simulator KAMAZ the initiator of which was the Chairman of Technopark “Idea” Board of Directors Ravil F. Muratov. The Technopark “Idea” accompanied the project from start to finish. In addition to providing the order, Technopark “Idea” provided the young innovative company with free production areas. And since 2011, rendered assistance in the production localization at the territory of Technopolis “Himgrad”.

Today, the Company “IDES” produces a number of modern training simulators for truck giant “KAMAZ”, Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the Republic of Tatarstan Voluntary Association for Assistance to Army, Air Force, and Navy ROSTO DOSAAF and Ministry of Healthcare: auto simulator “Autotrainer” for training drivers of trucks and cars, dynamic driving simulator KAMAZ, small size vessel’s driving simulators, simulators for training experts of EMERCOM of Russia, integrated flight trainer “Mi-8” for EMERCOM of Russia and others.

Also, simulators are in demand in the countries of near abroad, such as Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.

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