The city of Lappeenranta – window to Europe.

7 june 2012

Technopark “Idea” will be on the delegation of the Republic of Tatarstan in the 3rd EU-Russia Innovation Forum & the 21st European Business and Innovation Centers Network (EBN) Annual Congress which will be held on June 13-15, 2012, Lappeenranta, Finland.

It is the fourth participation of Technopark “Idea” in the EBN Annual Congress. The Technopark is a full member of the Network since 2009 and is now the sole representative of the Russian Federation in the Network as a full member. Annually the EBN Congress brings together representatives of 400 innovation centers and business incubators for more than 20 years.   

The Program is meant to join potential partners, clients, investors and experts to build successful cooperation. In addition to business matchmaking, there will be held sessions on energy, environment and logistics.

The 3rd EU-Russia Innovation Forum is widely recognized as meeting place for Russian and European politicians, entrepreneurs, experts and researchers. The Forum will create necessary and sufficient conditions for start of new EU-Russia cooperation in the field of innovation and modernization.

The EU-Russia Forum that is held in cooperation with the 21st EBN Annual Congress and the Best European Project “Search for business contacts and funding sources “MoneyTalks® Forum”” (“Entrepreneur to Investor”) will be a platform for new business contacts, decisions and transactions. The Forum is a key international event with the participation of high-level speakers and more than 1000 Russian and European experts and entrepreneurs.The subject of the Forum - EU-Russia level Partnership for Modernization.

Exhibition of Innovation with the exposition of the Republic of Tatarstan and potential of the “Association of Innovative Regions of Russia” (“AIRR”) will also be held as a part of these events.  

It should be recalled that on April 25, 2012, an Agreement of Cooperation was signed between the Association and EBN within the VII Kazan Venture Fair and the First Investment Platform of the AIRR with the support of Technopark “Idea”.   

For reference:

The 1st EU-Russia Innovation Forum gathered 620 participants, 60 speakers,over 40 partners and sponsors, 80 media representatives and more than 100 organizers. The Forum program involved over 20 countries. As a result of the Forum, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and Matti Vanhanen presented nine key initiatives for development of the EU-Russia modernization innovation and cooperation. 

The 2nd EU-Russia Innovation Forum gathered more than 700 participants.The Forum was focused on promotion of specific examples of business cooperation between EU-Russia companies and the specific challenges that companies face every day.

For more on the Forum program and participants see:

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