5 february 2013

What is a seminar on standardization?

This is the first event devoted to specialized seminars which is held by Technopark “Idea” and the RT Nanotechnology Centre with the support of RUSNANO. The seminar mission is to assist Russian experts on standardization, certification and quality in knowing all the aspects of international nano-industry standards.    

 What is the seminar benefit?

  • Regulatory and technical support is a tool that provides a guaranteed entry of nano-products into the free market   
  • “First hand” consultation in the course of alive communication
  • The latest global standardization news
  • Knowledge and experience sharing with colleagues from other organisations

Who and what will speak?

Yuri Tkachuk, Department Director of standardization, metrology and certification of RUSNANO will be in the capacity of a speaker.


The seminar subjects will touch on many aspects of nano-standards:

- Why is the notion “standard” has become a term of abuse in Russia?

- What has been done for manufacturers of nano-industry innovative products in the regulatory and technical area?

- How to join in the standardization centre in the innovation sphere and participate in the programme of the regulatory and technical support of composite technology?

Manufacturers of nano-products are now faced with four major challenges which do not allow to introduce the product to the market. First, there is a need to prove that the product has an actual bearing on the nanotechnology, it is not an advertising trick. Second – to show higher functional specifications obtained through the use of nanotechnologies at the expert level. Third – to confirm the safety performance – this is quite important for the consumer, who is still afraid of nanotechnology. And finally, - the production stability, i.e., the possibility to produce “tailor-made” products from time to time, and not as an experimental sample. The seminar will touch on the solutions of these problems. 

Accreditation to the seminar on the phone: 89033 13-61-17 or ae@nanort.ru

Contact name – Avdoshina Ekaterina, PR-manager of RT Nanotechnology Center


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