YICC “IDEA” has started its operating activity.

22 february 2013

On February the 22nd, 2013, the Youth Innovation Creativity Centre (YICC “Idea”) performed an operating test of the equipment.    

The main targeted audience – children had been presented the opportunity to see the true functions of the Center’s equipment, test it in operating mode and see the results of their efforts.

Children got top marks in the laser engraving and, being steeped themselves in the manufacturing of advertising products, they applied logos on pens and their names on the nameplate with their own hands.    

A butterfly, cut from plastic on one of the Center’s device, has become the result of the children’s teamwork.  

The first lesson with children once again confirmed the YICC “Idea”’s readiness to its operating activity and work in the youth education segment.    

The targeted audience and consumers of the YICC’s services are not limited to children. Thus, the YICC in the industrial segment provides services for the production of prototypes for small and medium-sized businesses, 3D-models and molds for large enterprises.   

To the point, Russia’s first official opening of the Youth Innovation Creativity Centre will be held at Technopark “Idea” on February 27, 2013.

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