VIII Kazan Venture Fair.

25 april 2013

The VIII Kazan Venture Fair has been held today at Korston Hotel & Mall, Kazan, with the participation of representatives of Russian and foreign venture capital funds, private investors and large corporations. 

Kazan Venture Fair is a communication platform for building a dialogue between investors and the management of the new fast-growing companies in the technological innovation sector.

A key point of the fair is a preliminary examination of applications for small and medium-sized enterprises. The purpose of the examination – to review companies for compliance with the venture investor’s requirements, as well as mandatory specialized training of owners and managers of the companies, selected for the exhibition, aimed at mastering the skills of effective business presentations to potential investors.  

Round table discussions, interactive meetings, colloquia, symposia were as a part of the fair. Plenary meeting with the participation of Tatarstan Republic President Rustam Minnikhanov was focused on the global trends of the venture capital industry.  

According to General Director of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko, an annual participation in Kazan Fair – a great opportunity to search for technological partnerships, as well as to improve the training of innovative companies for the investors. “Kazan Venture Fair is a platform where innovative entrepreneur has a rare chance to meet with many potential partners, investors, or even customers of the business. If today an innovative venture business finds its investor, and the investor finds a business for the soul, the main task of the Venture Fair may be considered as fulfilled,” said Sergey Yushko.   



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