Students of Kazan Trade and Economic College have no fear of starting of their own business.

15 may 2013

The meeting of the Technopark’s heads and residents with students of Kazan Trade and Economic College will be held on May the 21st, 2013, at 11:00 a.m. with a view to discuss further cooperation prospects.      

To the point, on April 17, 2013, a regional students’ research and practice conference “Ethics and psychological readiness of young experts of trade and economic profile to the current labor market” was arranged at the College. The conference was attended by over 100 people, including students of secondary vocational schools and higher educational institutes not only from Tatarstan, and from other regions of Russia as well. The students presented their works to the following experts: General Director of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko, Director of Kazan Institute of the Russian State Trade and Economic University Andrey Artemyev, Head of the Staff Professional Training Department of the RT Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Protection Sophia Tonkonog and other honorary guests.  

In particular, a company engaged in the promotion and sale of “IRobot” products “Robots” and “SFpark” intellectual parking sales mechanism were presented to the attention of experts.

Sergey Yushko having studied the students’ works suggested them to present their projects to the residents of Technopark.  “I think in the summertime the students will be able to undertake an internship with our residents, and in the future they will have employment possibilities”, - said Sergey Yushko.

It should be emphasized that the Technopark “Idea” heads and residents meet with schoolchildren and students of the city on a regular basis. For instance, Sergey Yushko held a “School of Success” for the students of Kazan lyceum No. 116 on May 13, 2013. At the end of the lesson, the students were also invited to Technopark to review the residents’ activities and the possibility of further cooperation.

For reference:

“Robots” – a company engaged in the promotion and sale of “IRobot” products. “In order to purchase the developer’s goods you should enter the “IRobot” website and register, - explained the project developer Aygul Galimova. – The purchasers using our sales system will be able to choose the color and shape of any part of the robot body based on their own taste and personal preferences. We offer the purchasers a variety of hair styles and broad-ranging clothes”.   

As the first-time entrepreneur notes the purchaser with the acquisition of the robot will be able to shift the following concerns to the Robot’s “shoulders”: cleaning, making a list of necessary purchases for the home, assisting in the discipline. Also, the robot will monitor the kitchen state and report on the necessary food purchases (and, possibly, to make these purchases).  

Adelya Garipova, a college student, has an intention to solve the parking deficiency issue. The student presented a mechanism for selling the intellectual parking “SFpark”, providing the drivers with real-time information on nearby parking space. The system provides the ability to optimize the existing car parks, and also increases the capacity of roads.  


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