Himgrad has launched the contest “Innovation polygon “Tatarstan – the territory of the future”.

29 may 2013

The second Republican Contest of Youth Innovative Projects: “Innovation Polygon “Tatarstan – the territory of the future” has been launched today in Technopolis “Himgrad”.

The contest is held to raise students’ interest in the research, and is the first to provide the children with the opportunity to develop the existing business model, having access to research and industrial centre of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Kazan National Research Technological University” (FSBEI HPE “KNRTU”) and Technopolis “Himgrad”.    

The contest involved upper students of secondary schools as well as students of Kazan and Tatarstan universities at the age of 14-17, students of the first-second courses of the RT universities. The contest accepts projects in the following areas: materials of the future, future technologies, future communications and environment of the future.    

Organizers of the contest are as follows: FSBEI HPE “Kazan National Research Technological University”, Technopolis “Himgrad”, CJSC “IPT “Idea”, Kazan Junior Achievement Center.

The contest consists of four stages from May to December, 2013, including theoretical training course “Fundamentals of business planning”, “Major trends in modern science”, “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship” in the FSBEI HPE “KNRTU”, project work, teamwork within the business days (training, workshops), and a final project defense to venture investors as well.  The winners will be announced in the categories “Best Innovation Project”, “Best Innovative Idea”, “Best innovative solution”.  

To the point, the Republican Contest “Innovation Polygon “Tatarstan – the territory of the future” has entered into a plan of priority projects for 2013, implemented under the Research and Education Cluster Coordination Board of the FSBEI HPE “KNRTU” with the support of Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan, chairman of the Research and Education Cluster Coordination Board of the FSBEI HPE “KNRTU” Ravil Muratov.

The first Contest of Youth Innovative Projects took place in 2012. It was attended by 225 Tatarstan students at the age of 14-17, who presented 100 projects in the following areas: materials of the future, future technologies, future communications and environment of the future.


According to the IA “Tatar-inform”

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