20 may 2015

The V Annual Republican Robotics Festival will be held on June 1, 2015 in Technopark “Idea”. It is expected that competition on robotics will bring together more than 20 school teams from all the Republic of Tatarstan.

The festival is an interactive program for the younger generation, aimed at increasing interest in the field of high technology. The competition, organized by Technopark “Idea”, has been held since 2011. During this time it was attended by around 300 schoolchildren.

The competition traditionally will be held on the four categories:

  1. Racing on the line (in the shortest time a robot, by following the black line, should get from the starting point to the place of finish);
  2. Sumo (participants are required to prepare an autonomous robot that can most effectively push the opponent’s robot beyond the black line of the ring);
  3. Kegelring (in the shortest time a robot, without leaving more than 5 seconds of the circle, outlining the ring, should push pins arranged in it);
  4. Creative category (there are estimated projects, collected through LEGO - microcomputer RCX or NXT, but unlike the major category in their design can be used not only LEGO parts, but also other materials).

Winners will receive diplomas, cups and valuable prizes, and all participants will be awarded with personal certificates.

The position of the festival

The application must be sent before May 22, 2015 at e-mail:

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