The Foundation for the Assistance of Innovation determined the country’s “Umnik”

19 december 2017

The Directorate of the Foundation for the Assistance of Innovation, taking into account the recommendations of the Competition Commission, approved the lists of projects submitted for financing under the program “UMNIK”. Among the projects are 29 from Tatarstan. The authors of the projects will receive a grant in the amount of 500,000 rubles for 2 years on the development of an innovative project. In addition, 26 out of 29 projects are winners of the Republican contest of the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan “50 best innovative ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan”. Young inventors, who won in this competition, receive 220,000 rubles for the project.

Lists of winners of the contest “Umnik” from the Republic of Tatarstan. If you find yourself in the list of winners, you will need to fill out a contract with the Foundation in the section “My contracts” in the “Fund-M” system (, receiving instructions from the organizers of your selection within 3 working days.

In addition, we inform you that the winners of the competitions are recommended to send documents for registration of the agreement for approval at the address within 30 days from the date of publication of the contest results by filling in all forms and enclosing the documents electronically.

Also, the winner of the competition must agree on the documents for the registration of the contract and provide the Foundation with originals signed on its part 2 copies of contracts with all the applications specified in it no later than 60 calendar days from the date of placement of the results of the competition.

Concerning the coordination of contracts under the program “UMNIK”, contact the Technopark “Idea” by phone: +7 (843) 570-68-50 (extensions 93-41, 93-24).

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