“NanoAnalytics” experts: modern firecrackers make a loud noise, but are almost harmless

20 january 2020

Employees of the laboratory complex “NanoAnalytics” studied firecrackers such as “rattling peas” and came to the conclusion that they are loud noisy and almost harmless to children and parents.

“The size of this toy is no bigger than a pea, inside it contains several small stones that are covered with a small amount of pyrotechnic composition, - experts explained. When you throw this little bag on the ground you can hear a completely harmless pop. This pop is the result of a micro-explosion caused by the friction of sand grains against each other”.

To clarify all the data, the employees of “NanoAnalytics” conducted a series of experiments, which included dissolving, settling, filtering and burning in inductively coupled plasma at a temperature of 10,000°C, it turned out that the main substance is ... silver!

Silver fulminate was at one time used along with explosive mercury to initiate secondary charges, however, due to its high sensitivity, especially to friction, its use was suspended.

Today, thanks to this highest sensitivity, it serves mainly for the preparation of explosive (and at the same time the safest!) toy products to the delight of adults and children.

P.S. we remind you that when using firecrackers, you must follow safety precautions and use only certified products.

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