Entry into the profession for young specialists of the nanoindustry

20 april 2022

On April 19, 2022 a professional exam “Entry into the profession” was held for the qualifications “Extruder Operator” (level 3) and “Technician for the repair of technological equipment for the production of nanostructured polymer materials (level 4)” in the Technopark “Idea”. The tests were attended by students of the Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU) of training areas on 18.02.07 “Technology of production and processing of plastics and elastomers” and 15.02.01 “Installation and technical operation of industrial equipment (by industry)”.

The professional exam “Entry into the profession” can be considered the first recognition of a specialist by the professional community, since the procedure is carried out using evaluation tools provided by the Council for Professional Qualifications in the Nanoindustry and adapted to the requirements for the competencies mastered by students. This is how the first acquaintance with the National Qualification System takes place.

The Council for Professional Qualifications in the nanoindustry issues a Certificate to qualified participants, which is valid for 2 years and entitles them to apply to the Qualification Assessment Centre to pass the practical part of the exam.

We wish graduates to successfully pass the independent qualification assessment!

Read more about the specifics of participation in the qualification assessment at the link.

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