Technopark “Idea” participates in the I Innovation Forum in Zheleznogorsk.

2 december 2011

The I Innovation Forum on development of innovation and venture infrastructure of the Krasnoyarsk Krai opened on the 2st of December.  Location of the forum is not occasional.  The cluster of nuclear and space technologies will become a most important element of creation of national innovation system.  This year the design of industrial park will be finished and in 2012 the construction works will be started.

The most efficient ways of use of scientific and technical potential of the federal technological platform, provision of complex, system approach for implementation of Krasnoyarsk Krai innovation development strategy were discussed by the world leading experts on industrial park modeling on the I Innovation Forum in Zheleznogorsk.

All key parties of the regional innovation system participated in the forum: authorities, in the lead of the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Krai Lev Kuznetsov, scientists, represented by university rectors; industry was represented by the country biggest enterprises of nuclear and space sphere, as well as by the representative of OJSC “RUSNANO”, the Fund for assistance to small innovation and scientific enterprises, representatives of the Republic of Tatarstan.

There were the representatives of Singapore, Finland, Great Britain and Belarus among international forum guests. They talked about trends in the development of industrial parks and technoparks, business incubators and international research networks as well as the requirements of investors to company innovative projects and their selection criteria, forms of support of innovation and technological companies when expanding.

 An agreement on strategic partnership was signed between CJSC “Innovational Production Technopark “Idea” and “Krasnoyarsk Technopark” on the I Innovation forum in Zheleznogorsk.

“Krasnoyarsk Technopark” signed an agreement on strategic partnership with Singapore company «JurongConsultants», finnish colleagues from «OyKarotech» and CJSC “Innovational Production Technopark “Idea”.

The parties agreed to intensify the exchange of ideas, information, experience in holding joint seminars, scientific conferences, regional sessions of practical consulting,  implementation of joint projects and other forms of agreed cooperation in innovation activity. The development of cooperation in design, construction and management of high-tech industrial parks are planned.

Also, there was held an exhibition in the line of the forum, where the participants learned in detail about financial and physical opportunities of local infrastructure, small innovation enterprises and new high-tech projects.

Source: Zheleznogorsk informational porta ZATO, photo: Krasnoyarsk Krai Official portal
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