Armastek-Idea: makes product using innovative domestic raw material

30 may 2013

LLC “Armastek-Idea”, a resident of Technopark “Idea-Yougo-Vostok” and a subsidiary of “Armastek+”, set up a unique in Russia production of reinforcement with the use of innovative domestic raw materials which is a good alternative to metal reinforcement.     

According to the developers, the “Armastek-Idea” fiberglass reinforcement is a 4-20 mm fiberglass rods, in various factory length (possibly twisting into coils) with a ribbed surface of spiral profile consisted of glass roving bonded with epoxy resin based polymer. The reinforcement is produced from raw materials of LLC “P-D Tatneft-Alabuga Fiberglass”.    

LLC “Armastek-Idea”, opened in July, 2012, on the basis of Technopark “Idea-Yougo-Vostok”, has created 16 new jobs in Leninogorsk. According to the Company executives, 30 employees are currently engaged in the production. When the company is expected to reach full production capacity, up to 90 experts will be employed.

Much work on the Company activities is done for 10 months. A high quality of the product has been achieved, reinforcements have been tested in Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (KSUAE), the product certificate has been received. 

The company's specialists are currently engaged in the testing of goods in concrete products. 13 dealer contracts of delivery were made up in the winter. According to the Company, 1200 000 m of reinforcements were produced, 700,000 m of reinforcements was sold.

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