Technopark “Idea” has defined the best robotics in Tatarstan.

31 may 2013

The Republican Robotics Festival has joined today 26 school teams. The Festival, held in Technopark “Idea”, was attended by 1-10 grades students of schools and lyceums from Kazan, Nizhnekamsk, Naberezhnye Chelny. The youngest robot technicians – the first graders – competed with upper-grade students on equal terms by 4 different categories:  

1.  Line racing  (a robot, following a black line, should get from the start to finish in the shortest time);

2.  Sumo (the participants should prepare an autonomous robot which can using the most effective technique push the opponent’s robot outside the black line of the ring);   

3. Tenpins ring (a robot not going beyond the ring circle for more than 5 seconds should in the shortest time push the tenpins out);

4. Creative category (evaluation is given to LEGO-based - RCX or NXT micro-computers projects, but, in contrast to the basic category, its design can include not only LEGO parts, but also other materials).

As head of the Department of External Relations and PR Evgeniy Malikov stated, the festival is focused on raising the youth interest in technical professions. “The festival participants not only demonstrate their skills, but also share their knowledge. In addition, we believe that interest in robotics showed itself at the school-age will be converted to a more global scale and in the future children will be able to assemble and design multi-functional robots”- he stressed.   

The festival participants also endorse the view of Evgeniy Malikov. In particular, the second grader Ilya Kislov, the contestant from Naberezhnye Chelny. “Now I construct the LEGO robots. But over time, I will be able to construct it of real metal. This is very important: in advance of the technology epoch,”- said the young robot technician.    

It should be noted, that the contest was very serious. For example, some teams had to replay the sumo battle in the “Sumo” category two or three times.

The creative category included the presentation of robots capable to carry goods from one place to another, and even know how to shake hands with the man. 

For all that, the best and brightest were successfully defined:  

The “Sumo” category tabulated the results as follows:

  1. The Centre of Out-of-school Activity “Ecology, culture, educational and technical creativity”;
  2. Municipal Educational Institution of Secondary General School No.60;
  3. Lyceum No. 78 named after Alexander S. Pushkin, Naberezhnye Chelny.

The winners in the “Line racing” category became as follows:

1. The Children’s Technical Creativity Center No. 5 (Naberezhnye Chelny);

2. Residential lyceum No. 24 (Nizhnekamsk);

3. The Children’s Technical Creativity Center No. 5 (Naberezhnye Chelny).

The best in the “Tenpins ring” category were recognized as follows:

1.The Centre of Out-of-school Activity “Ecology, culture, educational and technical creativity”;

2. The Children’s Technical Creativity Center No. 5 (Naberezhnye Chelny);

3. Residential lyceum No. 24 (Nizhnekamsk).

The winning places in the “Creative” category - home assignment were given to the following participants:

1. Artem Shuvarov (The Children’s Technical Creativity Center No. 5 (Naberezhnye Chelny));

2. Boris Kozhukhovskiy (Lyceum No. 78 named after Alexander S. Pushkin, Naberezhnye Chelny);

3. Ilfat Magizov (Gymnasium No. 19).

All the participants were awarded diploma and valuable prizes, and the winners of each category received cups as well.   

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