20 june 2013

CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko will speak on the activity aspects of Tatarstan technoparks at the First Summit of Russian Technoparks “Technopark 2.0: A sustainable development model. Improving the efficiency of current activity”. 

The Summit will take place on June 26, 2013 in Moscow. The main task of the event is to present a new vision of technology parks’ contribution to the economic development of the country and to discuss current approaches to the creation of a sustainable business park model.   

The Summit will be held within an advanced training programme of technopark experts initiated by JSC “RVC”. The main objective of the programme is to ensure the growth in the number of effectively working resident - companies of the regional technoparks and business incubators.

The Summit will involve the leaders of the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, JSC “RVC”, the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs of JSC “Rusnano”, the heads of Russia’s successful technology parks from Novosibirsk, Moscow, Zelenograd.

The special guest of the Summit will be Izabela Disterheft, the head of the Investment Agency of the Gdansk Government (Poland), who will share European experience in the development of infrastructure organizations and present an assessment of their contribution to the regional economic development of European states. 

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