11 july 2013

Today CEO of Skolkovo Prototyping and Design Centre (Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering “MAMI”) Pavel Petrov and his deputy Boris Saprykin have made a working visit to Technopark “Idea”. CEO of Technopark Sergey Yushko has met the guests and has spoken on the activity aspects of “Idea” and its residents, as well as the students’ developments of Youth Innovation Creativity Centre. Pavel Petrov, in his turn, has presented the activity of Prototyping Centre and has acquainted with the Company’s equipment and capabilities of a new generation 3D-printer and printing technology. They have also discussed the expected options of cooperation between Moscow and Tatarstan companies.    

As part of the meeting, the guests visited the Youth Innovation Creativity Centre, where the Project Manager Nickolay Nasonov told them about the history of the YICC and its capabilities. The YICC’s students - high school students and students of Kazan universities - presented to Pavel Petrov a developed new model of 3D-printer.    

According to the developers, the printer, compared with the existing models, shows the high printing speed, metal case, high quality as well as the simplicity and ease of use. The compact-sized printer can be used in both: home and production conditions. The 3D-printer model will be soon commercialized under the name “NOVA”. The average market price of the model will make 60 thousand rubles.

“It looks impressive! That's splendid!”, - emphasized the guest, having studied the printer. 

At the completion of the meeting the guests invited young developers in Moscow to take part in the contest and conference, which are scheduled for September, 2013.

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