The first R&D stage of projects – the winners of “IDEA-1000” Program – has been over.

8 may 2007

In May, 4 2007 “Incubation Technologies Center-1” LLC in the person of its management company “The Innovative Technopark “Idea” OJSC has successfully given financial and scientific and technical statements of the first stage or R&D, implementing under the state contract with Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE).

The total amount of financing the first stage of projects development is $141176.5. The most of the finances was spent to wage payment of scientific director.

It is necessary to remind that LLC «Incubation Technologies Center - 1» was formed for developing projects, selected in the framework of the Programme of innovative projects «Idea-1000» in the nomination «Young people innovative project». The winners in this nomination get the parity financing from the Venture Fund and from the Foundation in the order specified by the Programme.


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