Residents of Technopark “Idea” have collected 306.5 kg of waste paper

24 june 2016

A campaign to collect waste paper has ended today in Technopark “Idea”. During the month Technopark residents were collecting more than 306.5 kg of waste paper. A winner of the campaign became a team of business portal who passed 94 kg of paper. The second place was won by a team of the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan, which gathered 42.5 kilograms of waste paper last month. Third place was won by company IP Group, who surrendered 25 kg of waste paper.

Magnolia was planted on the territory of Technopark “Idea” in honor of the winner of the action, the company Landing became a symbolic start for planting of greenery all areas of internal parking of Technopark.

The editor of the portal Julia Amochaeva commented on her team’s victory: “ became the winner of Technopark action, surrendering almost one-third collected waste paper from “Idea” residents. But we were just cleaning out our cabinets and threw accumulated over years paper trash. Thanks to the residents of Technopark there will appear a row of trees and one of it is named in honor of our portal. We have not only reduced the amount of waste and deforestation, but also we have improved the ecology of the place where we spend a lot of time every day. It sounds corny, but if at least half of us will collect waste paper and take it for recycling, the ecological situation in the city will be significantly improved”.

For reference:

Production of paper from recycled materials saves resources, and is therefore more environmentally friendly. As compared with the processing of wood, recycling 1 ton of waste paper allows to save 20,000 liters of water, 1,000 kW of electricity and prevent the emissions of 1,700 kg of carbon dioxide. In this production there is no need to use chemicals. And the main thing is that we can avoid felling more than one million hectares of forest per year!

It is known that in order to produce one ton of paper it is necessary to cut about 18-20 trees. But cutting down wood is much more active than planting, because after landing it must be waited ten years, but no one wants to wait. It is therefore important to take the waste paper for recycling and do not to forget that even one planted tree can make a small contribution to a cleaner environment.

The team of Technopark “Idea” thanks the residents for activity and invites you to participate in new promotions!

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