Innovative projects aspires to “Start”

19 october 2016

Face-to-face protection of projects under the program “Start I” (direction of “Information Technologies”) has been held today in Technopark “Idea”. The format of online protection of projects in Technopark “Idea” has been carried out from 29 June 2016. This year 6 selections have been held.

Experts of the Foundation for Assistance of Innovation estimated 6 projects of aspiring entrepreneurs. As a rule, participants of the “Start I” are initiative scientists who are well oriented not only in science and technology, but also in the market prospects of their development and are able to form a workable team.

It is assumed that participant, who will win in the competition, shall be obliged to successfully implement its three-year plans and, in particular, for the commercialization of developed products. It should be noted that this year’s winners will be determined after the final selection of projects, which will be held on November 22, 2016.

The program “Start” is based on the principle of public-private partnership: the state budget implements only part of the activities required for business development. In the first year the Foundation for Assistance of Innovation provides funding for R&D and controls were received any results after it. As a result, the investment risks of a private investor are reduced to an acceptable level. From the second year the Foundation for Assistance of Innovation provides funding on a parity basis, that is, small innovative enterprise must attract extra-budgetary sources of financing or invest their own funds, if launched products.

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