The programme is aimed at creating new and supporting existing small innovative enterprises that seek to develop and master the production of new goods, products, technologies or services using the results of their own scientific, technical and technological research, which are at an early stage of development and have significant potential for commercialization.

Directions of the programme:

H1. Digital technology

H2. Medicine and health-saving technologies

H3. New materials and chemical technologies

H4. New devices and intelligent manufacturing technologies

H5. Biotechnologies

H6. Resource-saving energy

The programme is implemented in 3 stages, each stage is designed to be completed within a year:

  • The 1st stage of the “Start-1” is intended for individuals or companies that are small businesses (included in the Unified Register of SMEs), registered no earlier than 2 years before the application is submitted. The grant amount is up to 2 million rubles for the implementation of research and development.
  • The 2nd stage of the “Start-1” is intended for legal entities that have completed “Start-1” or companies that have not previously received the FASIE support, which are small businesses (included in the Unified Register of SMEs), registered no earlier than 3 years before an application is submitted. The grant amount is up to 3 million rubles for R&D. Co-financing is required in the amount of at least 50% of the grant amount. The sources of co-financing can be own funds, borrowed funds or investor’s funds.
  • The 3rd stage of the “Start-3” is intended for legal entities that have completed “Start-2”. The grant amount is up to 5 million rubles for R&D. Co-financing is required in the amount of at least 50% of the grant amount. The sources of co-financing can be own funds, borrowed funds or investor’s funds.
  • An alternative to the competition “Start-3” is a programme “Business-Start”, which is aimed at commercializing R&D results. The grant amount is up to 10 million rubles for the commercialization of R&D results. Co-financing is required in the amount of at least 50% of the grant amount. The programme can be attended by legal entities that have completed any stage of the programme “Start” (including “Start-3” and “Start-NTI” (National Technology Initiative), and have not participated in other programs of the FASIE.

Items of expenditure:

  • Salary
  • Materials, raw materials, components
  • Payment for a work of co-executors and third-party organization
  • Other general expenses

Reporting (every six months):

  • Scientific and technical report on the implementation of R&D
  • Financial report
  • Information map of abstract and bibliographic information
  • Acts

Programme regulations

Official programme page

Submit an application

You can always contact us for advice on how to fill out an application or for a letter of recommendation at the following e-mail addresses:, or by phone: +7 (843) 570-68-50, ext. 93-41 or 93-24.

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